Since it's Christmas and I got a new effects processor for my guitar (a Boss GT-10), I thought I'd blog a little about my guitar adventure.
It all started April/May 2008 when I decided I wanted to play guitar. I've played the trumpet in various school/church/orchestral settings, and have liked music. My first guitar was an Epiphone Les Paul I bought with birthday money, and I now also have a seafoam green 50s Fender Stratocaster (MIM). I also got a VOX AD-15 amp (solid state, cheap) and a Korg AX-3000g effects unit (cheap, but works). I took lessons over the summer from a friend of my grandmother's who is an accomplished (read: very very good) classical guitarist, which wasn't the direction I initially wanted. Classical guitar is acoustic (I used my electric with no amp for lessons) and with fingers. Somehow, over that time I came to enjoy classical guitar and I miss it.
My love of music has now become an obsession. While I am not currently taking lessons (hopefully this will change in the next year or so) I spend a lot of time looking up tabs (guitar music) online and learning how to play riffs from songs. I'm not really into the whole "metal" or "hard-rock" genre, I usually play Christian (Hillsong, etc) or pop/rock with my biggest influence being U2's the Edge. Most of their songs are simple chords, but with delay and a little effects, they sound anthemic. The delay and shimmer make the songs sould alive
I do play in the freshman band for Freshmen City Groups at the Georgia Tech BCM, which I love. It gives me an opportunity to play with others (who are much better than me) for God. In a few weeks we are playing for everyone at Connector, so I gotta tweak my GT-10 and practice songs (which we haven't picked out yet) before hand.
One last note, my Church (Buckhead) has soo many amazing worship leaders and musicians that every Sunday I show up, I'm inspired....
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