
Uncool Christianity

I've kinda been thinking lately about Christianity and its heroes and superstars. I know as Christians we are called to do the work of Christ, but are we guilty of trying to become glamour Christians? When I say glamour Christians, I mean that sometimes we (or at least I) do Christian things for the wrong reasons.

Things I've done that fall under the Glamour Title:
  • I feel like I need to show other Christians (esp. at Tech) that I am also a Christian, instead of letting my actions speak. Because honestly, Im scared of someone thinking I'm not a Christian.
  • Sometimes I do things that are great for Christ, but deep down I know they're not the RIGHT things I should be doing. Somehow some way I feel like I serve best when I'm happy and there is no way for me to get credit.
  • I feel that things such as mission trips to exotic places and running C3 camp (which is a realistic possibility next summer) seems to be the cool thing to do. sometimes all of the hype seems to take the focus off of God and onto the people.

    I always have this dilemma of: "Should I do something right or good for the wrong reasons or not do it because I would be doing for the wrong reasons and it wouldn't be genuine?"

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