
the awesomest guitar pedalboard ever

So, in my "free" time I designed my "ultimate" pedalboard for guitar that I will slowly start to build:

  1. Barber Tone Press

  1. Hermida Zendrive Overdrive
  2. Fulltone Fulldrive 2 MOSFET Overdrive
  3. Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive (Keeley Modified)
  4. Ibanez Tubescreamer TS9 (Keeley Modified)

  1. Eventide TimeFactor
  2. T.C. Electronics Nova Delay
  3. Boss RE-20

  1. Eventide ModFactor
  2. Line6 ToneCore Verbzilla
  3. Boss RV-5

Misc Pedals:
  1. Electro-Harmonix POG (Polyphonic Octave Generator)
  2. Eventide PitchFactor
  3. BBE Sonic Stomp

Expression Pedals (not sure about brand, but definitely 2, one for volume, one for exp control):
  1. Boss FV-500H
  2. Boss FV-500H

  1. Boss TU-2
These are based on looking at Nigel Hendroff's pedalboard (Hillsong), Daniel Carson's pedalboard (Chris Tomlin) and Matt Adkin's pedalboard (Steve Fee).

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