
Faith and Perseverence

This monday was gonna be really cool for my freshman city group. we were supposed to get together and come up with discussion/conversation starters about faith and perseverance. unfortunately i didnt try... i put the entire email off until tonight, and now its too late to group up. so im gonna come up with stuff on my own (and hopefully bring something to the table) Ive decided to focus on people who are considered "great" christians, but have some sort of huge failure in your life. so now im gonna make a list:

People who are (preferable in the hall of faith Hebrews 11) great Christians:

  1. Paul - persecuted Christians (acts 9)
  2. Abraham - had Ishmael with Hagar (genesis 16) but had faith with Isaac (genesis 22)
  3. Jacob - stole the birthright from Esau (genesis 25)
  4. Moses - struck the rock without giving credit to God (numbers 20) but had faith to lead the Israelites out (Hebrews 11:24-29)
  5. David - slept with Bathesheba and killed her husband (2 samuel 11) but was "a man after God's own heart" (acts 13:22)
  6. Samson - let lust and pride destroy him (judges 16) but destroyed the philistines (judges 14-16)
  7. Peter - denied Christ (luke 22) but is the rock of the church (matthew 16)
(sevens a good number...)

great in the fact that they made a difference but others remembered them for what they did for the kindom and not for their sins

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