but it resonates within my soul.
Often, I get caught in: "God is in control and everything is according to his plan, so I just need to put my head down and keep on keeping on."
God is in control. But he wants to hear us.
Psalms is full of poems about the faithfulness of God and his immense power.
It's also full of laments, the feeling of being let down by God.
David cries out:
"Will the Lord spurn forever,
and never again be favorable?
Has his steadfast love forever ceased?
Are his promises at an end for all time?
Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has he in anger shut up his compassion?"
Psalm 77:7-9
There's something holy about being honest with God. It's repeated throughout scripture.
From Jeremiah's laments (Lamentations) and Habakkuk's cries in the Old Testament, to the famous words of Jesus "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Even Jesus felt abandoned by God at his weakest moment.
My faith becomes tangible when I become raw and honest with Christ. Real.
Our faith becomes a sacred dance, to the rhythm of life.