Since it's Christmas and I got a new effects processor for my guitar (a Boss GT-10), I thought I'd blog a little about my guitar adventure.
It all started April/May 2008 when I decided I wanted to play guitar. I've played the trumpet in various school/church/orchestral settings, and have liked music. My first guitar was an Epiphone Les Paul I bought with birthday money, and I now also have a seafoam green 50s Fender Stratocaster (MIM). I also got a VOX AD-15 amp (solid state, cheap) and a Korg AX-3000g effects unit (cheap, but works). I took lessons over the summer from a friend of my grandmother's who is an accomplished (read: very very good) classical guitarist, which wasn't the direction I initially wanted. Classical guitar is acoustic (I used my electric with no amp for lessons) and with fingers. Somehow, over that time I came to enjoy classical guitar and I miss it.
My love of music has now become an obsession. While I am not currently taking lessons (hopefully this will change in the next year or so) I spend a lot of time looking up tabs (guitar music) online and learning how to play riffs from songs. I'm not really into the whole "metal" or "hard-rock" genre, I usually play Christian (Hillsong, etc) or pop/rock with my biggest influence being U2's the Edge. Most of their songs are simple chords, but with delay and a little effects, they sound anthemic. The delay and shimmer make the songs sould alive
I do play in the freshman band for Freshmen City Groups at the Georgia Tech BCM, which I love. It gives me an opportunity to play with others (who are much better than me) for God. In a few weeks we are playing for everyone at Connector, so I gotta tweak my GT-10 and practice songs (which we haven't picked out yet) before hand.
One last note, my Church (Buckhead) has soo many amazing worship leaders and musicians that every Sunday I show up, I'm inspired....
Current Music
Currently Listening (in no particular order):
- Ingram Hill
- Taylor Swift
- Thriving Ivory
- Bedlight for Blue Eyes
- The Fray
Uncool Christianity
I've kinda been thinking lately about Christianity and its heroes and superstars. I know as Christians we are called to do the work of Christ, but are we guilty of trying to become glamour Christians? When I say glamour Christians, I mean that sometimes we (or at least I) do Christian things for the wrong reasons.
Things I've done that fall under the Glamour Title:
Things I've done that fall under the Glamour Title:
- I feel like I need to show other Christians (esp. at Tech) that I am also a Christian, instead of letting my actions speak. Because honestly, Im scared of someone thinking I'm not a Christian.
- Sometimes I do things that are great for Christ, but deep down I know they're not the RIGHT things I should be doing. Somehow some way I feel like I serve best when I'm happy and there is no way for me to get credit.
- I feel that things such as mission trips to exotic places and running C3 camp (which is a realistic possibility next summer) seems to be the cool thing to do. sometimes all of the hype seems to take the focus off of God and onto the people.
I always have this dilemma of: "Should I do something right or good for the wrong reasons or not do it because I would be doing for the wrong reasons and it wouldn't be genuine?"
One of my favorite Third Day songs off their new record is "Revelation" and it has this chorus:
Give me a revelation
Show me what to do
'Cause I've been trying to find my way
I haven't got a clue
Tell me should I stay here
Or do I need to move
Give me a revelation
I've got nothing without you
I've got nothing without you
Show me what to do
'Cause I've been trying to find my way
I haven't got a clue
Tell me should I stay here
Or do I need to move
Give me a revelation
I've got nothing without you
I've got nothing without you
I also overheard a friend a couple weeks ago mention the book of Revelation as "Revelations" which I instantly thought to correct (its a bad habit), but then I stopped and took a step back. How do we as Christians view Revelation from God? Is it as if the cover is pulled off by God and we are standing there with something new and wonderful in front of us, God has decided to show us something that He has hidden away?
Or maybe its something different... maybe the blindfold is being removed from our faces, maybe God sharpens our perspective a little bit... almost as if we are guilty of putting the blindfold there and God is saying "silly, open your eyes, look at My creation..." what if God has been waiting in plain sight for us to remove the dirt from our lenses...
It comes down to how we view God "showing" us things. Does our lack of sight come from our problems or God's mystery? Could it be both? These are the thoughts I'm wrestling with.
How does this thinking change who we are?
Or maybe its something different... maybe the blindfold is being removed from our faces, maybe God sharpens our perspective a little bit... almost as if we are guilty of putting the blindfold there and God is saying "silly, open your eyes, look at My creation..." what if God has been waiting in plain sight for us to remove the dirt from our lenses...
It comes down to how we view God "showing" us things. Does our lack of sight come from our problems or God's mystery? Could it be both? These are the thoughts I'm wrestling with.
How does this thinking change who we are?
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